Roadhog: How to Correctly Hook One Shot Combo in Overwatch

People who are new to Roadhog would usually at the very beginning struggle to make one shot kill happen with his hook combo. Seeing so many other hogs able to do that, but you just can’t do it. Well, there are some tricks that you need to know about the hook one shot kill combo and what the pros usually do before and during the hook that make the kills easy.

Roadhog’s one shot combos

Below are the 3 most common ways of executing Roadhog’s one shot combo:

  • Shoot once + Hook + Headshot + Melee
  • Hook + Walk a step forward to your target + Headshot + Melee
  • Hook + Upon contact pull downward + Headshot + Melee

Shooting once first before hooking

The common issue with hook combo not being able kill your target is because it sometimes can’t do full 200 damage to your target, depending on the size and the shape of your target (bigger size heroes like Doomfist will definitely receive more damage from your shotgun than someone like a Mercy) and the way you use your hook shot combo (will be explained below).

The easiest way to confirm a kill of your target is by shooting him/her once first, and then finish him off with a simple hook + headshot + melee hit combo. The extra damage from the first shot, even if it’s just a little damage, will help filling up the 200 damage needed that you might miss with your hook combo.

Pulling a little downward upon hooked

Similar to the hook + turning sideway combo that you would use for environmental kill, if you pull your hook downward upon contact on enemy, it will somehow pull enemy slightly nearer to you so that your target can receive more damage from your shotgun. When the hook is a success, shoot them in their heads and finish them off with a melee hit.

This takes a lot of practices to master. When you finally get the feeling to be able to hook your enemy to whichever direction you please, the pulling downward trick is just a piece of cake.

Walk a step forward to your target after hook

Another method is to walk a step toward to your target to get slightly closer to him/her right after you hook him/her before you land your shot, in order to deal more damage up close. This should usually confirm the kill if you aim right at their head and finish them off with a melee hit.

As this tricks requires you to take about a quarter of a second to get close to your target, it doesn’t work for heroes who have escape abilities such as Moira’s Fade, Tracer’s Recall, Genji’s Dash, Reaper’s Shaddowform, etc. Because in that mere quarter of a sec, it’s more than enough time for them to use their abilities to run away from you.


It takes a ton of practices to actually master your hook and your one shot combo. I would suggest you to create a custom maps with a bunch of Hard Lucios (note: Hard Lucio will attempt to dodge your hook and shots) and practice your hook and combo with them.

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